Improving our energy efficiency and reducing our carbon footprint

We are committed to achieving the highest standards in energy efficiency and our targets are set in the following areas:

  • minimising of energy consumption and costs
  • minimising water consumptions and costs
  • reducing our CO2 emissions
  • giving high priority to energy efficient investments
  • reducing significantly the environmental impacts arising from energy and water use

Since signing up to the Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR) we are committed to reducing our energy consumption by 2% every year. We have continually reduced our carbon emissions year on year and are on target to fulfil our commitment which has been achieved through group and local initiatives.

Following trials, a number of projects have been rolled out in selected hotels across the group:

  • installation of LED lighting has made significant savings with healthy ROI
  • voltage optimisation continues to provide savings
  • boiler optimisation soon to be installed at selected hotels offering savings in excess of 10%
  • pool covers continue to be a significant way of reduce energy running costs
  • currently we have one hotel in the group using the forerunner of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) providing significant savings, with a view to installing more in the future

Reducing Our Impact on the Environment through Waste Management

Activities to manage our waste reduction have been in place for a number of years and we are committed to continuing work in this area by following the philosophy of “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” which is introduced to all team members during their induction.

All hotels recycle the following waste products:

  • paper and cardboard are compacted on site
  • glass is recycled
  • cooking oil is removed by specialist contractors
  • stationery is reused
  • we work with our suppliers to remove and recycle

Our meeting and event rooms are equipped with:

  • separate recycling bins for paper products
  • conference blotters made from part recycled and natural products
  • leather coasters made from 80% recycled leather
  • pens made from 100% recycled UK materials


We are committed to proactively reducing our reliance on single use plastic. In 2018 we identified and audited plastic use within our hotels and offices.

Following these findings the following actions were taken:

  • removed plastic straws, cups, plastic bags and laundry bags replacing with paper alternatives
  • removed plastic stirrers replacing with bamboo
  • removed plastic newspaper bags entirely
  • removed plastic laundry and wet kit bags replacing with biodegradable plastic

Reducing dependency on plastics is an ongoing process. We are actively sourcing greener alternatives and are committed to continually monitor and review

Developing the Use of Our Grounds and Gardens

Many of our hotels are privileged to have beautiful gardens. We are committed to proactively developing the sustainability of plant and wildlife in our grounds.

Activities include:

  • replacing fallen or dead trees
  • growing herbs that are used in our restaurants
  • putting up nest boxes and developing areas for guests to watch birdlife
  • working with local bodies to monitor bird and wildlife that is inhabiting the grounds to create historical records and plans for the future
  • managing fish stocks in our lakes