Corporate Social Responsibility

Hand Picked Hotels are committed to acting in a socially responsible manner in respect of our guests, team members and the local and wider communities and environment in which we operate.

We have five areas of focus that form the framework of our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy.

Our action plan is based on the following principles:

  • There is Board level support for Corporate Social Responsibility and the policy, progress and future activities are reviewed annually by a steering committee
  • There is full compliance with relevant environmental, health and safety and employment legislation
  • The day to day operations of our hotels and offices reflect our commitments
  • Each hotel is responsible for the development of short and longer-term targets that are appropriate to their location
  • Team members are encouraged to contribute to meeting our objectives and developing our commitments through training, communication and active involvement in local projects

Julia Hands

Chairman and CEO


Making a positive contribution to our local communities

Each hotel is mutual to its community; it is part of and embraces the local environment.

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Providing an engaging team member experience

Our commitment is to create an experience where our team members feel valued, unconstrained, engaged and stimulated.

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Supporting the wellbeing of our guests and team members

Providing options for our guests and supporting the well-being of our team members

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Food sourcing to reduce food miles and promote an ethical supply chain

Great dining defines the Hand Picked Hotels experience

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Developing the use of our grounds and gardens

Many of our hotels are privileged to have beautiful gardens

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Reducing our impact on the environment through waste management

Activities to manage our waste reduction have been in place for a number of years

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Respecting our environment through responsible use of the earth’s resources

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